Thee Post When Your High Thread

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Witto wrote:TCH is the perfect album to listen to high. Normally it's my least favorite by them but jfc it's perfect under the right circumstances. Geogaddi just upsets me.

Geogaddi is mildly upsetting all the time.

I've only been high once, and it was this time when I was really sick and I took a couple Nyquils then passed out then woke up again and thought to myself "it's time to sleep so I should take more". Little did I know I only slept for about 3 hours. I was listening to some weird music too so it was interesting to say the least.
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Dare I mention Tomorrow's harvest. Geogaddi is comforting by comparison when one is indulging in herbal remedies.
In any case. When you are sober this makes little to no sense but when you are intoxicated everything seems to fit. Every bridge every pylon becomes part of the music and it scares me that I think I am the only one that sees it.
I did some colour distortion when I was high to an unparalleled extent to add something to it. This video happens to go past my house when the colour changes to turquoise around half way through. See if you can guess where I live.

(yes this is a sad hobby of mine)

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All which makes me anxious
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I love how nicotine still makes me get hugh, god bless the e-cigs
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Just want to throw out that I can listen to either Geogaddi or TH while high on most psychoactives and I'm not sure where the upsetting part comes in. for fog machine.

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Rodheh wrote:Just want to throw out that I can listen to either Geogaddi or TH while high on most psychoactives and I'm not sure where the upsetting part comes in.

Geogaddi has previously been a really good listen on psychoactives although I don't indulge in them any more.
TH... man. Everything I want to avoid thinking about when I am trying to get somewhere nice is kindled by that album.
I tried listening to TH on ecstacy (turns out the night out got cancelled and I was alone in posession of some interesting green pills with dollar bills printed on them) and it literally ruined my evening.

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I suppose it is perhaps a different experience. I don't know TH as thoroughly as Geogaddi. Mostly tracks like New Seeds and Uritual, which would be pleasant in various states of mind. The record as a whole though I suppose is very bleak, while Geogaddi is a nice warm little fable above or under the influence. for fog machine.

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This has been <5 times in total so it may not always be the case, but it seems that LSA, while great, always begins horrifically. I have no idea why. for fog machine.

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Rodheh wrote:This has been <5 times in total so it may not always be the case, but it seems that LSA, while great, always begins horrifically. I have no idea why.

It sounds interesting though. The only psychoactive I can still take is salvia and, despite it being 'legal', it transports me somewhere else. It is just a shame it doesn't last very long at all. I think taking anything that's method of intoxication is through serotonin receptors is out of the question for me at the moment, but we are all different especially when it comes to brain chemistry.

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That's interesting Val. Salvia is usually something that even regular psychedelic takers shy away from, due to it being so wildly unpredictable for most people. As well as just generally having a much stronger effect on physical perception (in the sense of body horror, like feeling you are an object of sorts etc).

But as you say everyone is different, I'd be interested to hear what the experience is like for you.

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Does anyone think that the six lucky record holders got a tour of BoC's magical music factory and the lucky winner that decided not to leak one (fake) copy of hooper bay that was left in the posession of each of the winners (actually made by afx when he was stoned) got the oppurtunity to start playing the marimba in their future works.

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Salvia I have a (mostly) good relationship with. In duration and the way it hits you, it's the only thing I can compare to DMT or DPT although not nearly as powerful (generally speaking) - that means absolutely nothing in the way of it not being powerful at all though because it is incredibly powerful.

Though while DMT has always "transported" me to the same place, Salvia always goes somewhere else each time. With hallucinogens, I generally prefer psychedelics be short and sweet. That's the best sort of experience I get from them and the only experiences tolerable. Dissociatives and deliriants I prefer with some duration, generally no more than 4-6 and 1-3 hours, respectively. for fog machine.

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Rodheh wrote:Salvia I have a (mostly) good relationship with. In duration and the way it hits you, it's the only thing I can compare to DMT or DPT although not nearly as powerful (generally speaking) - that means absolutely nothing in the way of it not being powerful at all though because it is incredibly powerful.

Though while DMT has always "transported" me to the same place, Salvia always goes somewhere else each time. With hallucinogens, I generally prefer psychedelics be short and sweet. That's the best sort of experience I get from them and the only experiences tolerable. Dissociatives and deliriants I prefer with some duration, generally no more than 4-6 and 1-3 hours, respectively.

You seem to have a specific knowledge of psychedelics beyond mine actually. I have taken just about every class of drug but not extensively. Stimulants and hallucinogens are possibly the least well explored but that is generally because my experiences with speed, mdma, m-cat and also n-bome (psychedelic) have not been very fruitful whereas salvia I would hypothesise because of its action through opioid receptors rather than serotonin/dopamine it seems to transport me to beautiful places. If it comes down to it, I have had some pretty nice dreams/ waking dreams on opiates so I believe they are of the same substance.

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Well it works on the k-Opioid receptor which I think is different from opiates. It may just be a similar name without actually serving a similar purpose. But idk I'm not well versed in that area.

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hehe. google chrome logo is 666. why did it take so long to figure that out.

Also, hooray for wake and bake.

Dayvan Cowboy
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Cupz wrote:
hehe. google chrome logo is 666. why did it take so long to figure that out.

Also, hooray for wake and bake.

Shits creepy. Trying to debreif myself from the internet as I don't like the fact it is slowly turning from a recreation and an option in to some kind of a database for governments and corporations to know more than they ever should about you. I see the logo as a kind of 'you are being watched. Don't step out of line, kid'

And yeah I am currently indulging in the same thing. Morning coffee and a joint always puts things in to perspective.

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Cupz wrote:hehe. google chrome logo is 666. why did it take so long to figure that out.

Also, hooray for wake and bake.

Mine was blue for a long time (as should be that of anyone using Chrome(ium).

Now it has moved a good number of steps away.

Image for fog machine.

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Not liking the high of nicotine anymore, makes me go suicidal, thanks to prozac I guess

On a sidenote and completely unrelated, I fucking love this place and all of you, is one of the few sweet and welcoming places left in the internet

Peace out
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Dayvan Cowboy
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Ashtray Wasp wrote:Not liking the high of nicotine anymore, makes me go suicidal, thanks to prozac I guess

On a sidenote and completely unrelated, I fucking love this place and all of you, is one of the few sweet and welcoming places left in the internet

Peace out

I love you. Please stop taking prozac. Even heroin is less damaging to your brain for goodness sake.
If they need to prescribe you an ssri say you have a bad reaction to prozac so they can get you an unfluoridated compound like sertraline etc. God knows I lost my childhood and spent a year or more trying to get it back from the residual debris prozac leaves.

Nicotine is nice in moderation but you don't want to smoke quantity. It stops acting as a sedative at higher doses and more as a stimulant.

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Also might be a sinus problem as smoking etc lead me to get a really nasty infection that gave me suicide headaches every time I smoked. Try keeping your house clear of smoke and only smoking outside/ out the window if you must but don't store the cigarette butts inside.


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