Roygbiv (Alphaquest mix)

Everything related to our favorite Scottish duo.

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As far as I can recall, he knew them from school. He made them a video and Alphaquest was a thank you for that. Not sure when the vid was made, I only became BoC-aware when MHTRTC first appeared.

I got shown the video sometime in 1998, and the only thing that has stuck in my memory was a POV shot moving down a corridor, with some skeletal graphics superimposed on top of the film footage.

I think Nova Scotia Robots was the track he used...will ask my pal and see if he remembers.
The visuals didn't suit the track, in my humble opinion...might be why it was never used.

Not madly exciting, sadly...file under "art college pal makes cheap vid for musical mates".

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ravedamage wrote:
On the upside, I did get second (?) generation copies of BOC Maxima and A Few Old Tunes (1991 - 1995) right off the bat,

Possibility of you sharing some scans/pictures of your BOC Maxima and AFOT copies?
Would be nice to add to bocpages. :idea:

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While this thread is still active/here, I did a mashup of the Alphaquest mix with The Message by Grandmaster Flash a while back for my own amusement. If anyone else wants to listen, they are certainly welcome to. (still has bocuma at the start)
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But yes, holy shit ravedamage that is quite the anecdote (-:
You are the only person on this forum to have a look at the video that went alongside it, woa

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Hey Fredd-E...not really sure what my tapes would add to the archive. My mate wrote the inlays and they're 2nd (poss 3rd) generation dubs, so aye...not that newsworthy really. You can see pics of them here:

There's also a photo of all these magazines I sold to someone a couple of years back...I didn't take any scans, sorry.

ImageBoards of Canada - Interviews by ravedamage

There are two things of note here, one is a magazine called Product (top left), which did a very short write-up when MHRTC came out. The piece was barely two pages long with a couple of photos taking up a quarter or so of the space. No 'new info' to impart, I do remember, just standard Warp blurb/stuff they found out on the internet.

The more interesting thing is an exhibition catalogue, from a show called 'No More Stars'. My pal in Dundee wrote the blurb near the end - he's called The Lonely Piper. I'd never have found out about this if Colin hadn't told me about it. The catalogue is bottom left. I think if you get in touch with them, you can still buy it. Alternatively, you can view a very good PDF of it here:

If you really wanna use those tape photos, feel free, but they are basically ILLEGAL DUBS of the BOC CANON, so I don't know what you can 'do' with that information really.

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You can actually see the page with the Product piece peeking out at the bottom right, underneath the NME article and exhibition catalogue. It has the text "Have you seen these men?" on it. Yep, I did buy two copies of Product when it came out and ripped one copy up to keep the article. I was (and still am) that sad.


Dayvan Cowboy
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That's quite the collection you have/had. Are all of the interviews/ other published material in that little treasure trove currently scanned and on BoCpages from either other users or you?
There are a couple there that I don't recognise.

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Hey ravedamage, it was me you sold those mags to! I have the scans locked n loaded along with a "few" others that I'll plan on uploading to the Bocpages soon ;)

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Nice wan, Zosocon!

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ZosoCon wrote:Hey ravedamage, it was me you sold those mags to! I have the scans locked n loaded along with a "few" others that I'll plan on uploading to the Bocpages soon ;)

I'd like to help out with this. Can you contact me on Facebook or something?

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polarbear wrote:
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Amazing! Would love to own an original BOC DAT tape

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Soul_Slip wrote:
polarbear wrote:
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Amazing! Would love to own an original BOC DAT tape

i think any member of this forum would love to own a original boc tape, including me!!


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